Spiritual Practice

Why Your Ideas About God Actually Matter.

Why Your Ideas About God Actually Matter.

Your deep beliefs motivate your actions. Your core ideas shape the way you perceive reality. If you think that you believe one idea but you really believe another, your actions will almost never get you the result you think you want.

Like, if you have the idea that God is all-loving and all-powerful, but really believe, deep down, that God is watching for you to mess up, you won't fully experience God's love.

Beware the Bible

Bibliolatry may be the most dangerous idolatry. It deifies words over the Living Word, prefers memorization to revelation, and deliberately places a 5000 year old stumbling block between God and God's little ones.

If you come to the Bible sincerely seeking to know God, intimately and lovingly, you will. If you come to the Bible to prove your doctrine and dogma (including atheism) right, you will. But the latter is neither salvation nor relationship. Which are, of course, what actually matter, and why the Bible was written in the first place.