Even When The Silence Roars, Keep Teaching


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Teachers and preachers and other speakers used to seeing people: You are not going to see the effects of your work. You are going to feel as though no students are studying, no congregants are praying.

System glitches abound: our kid is doing all her homework but the main district link to her account isn't working and so she turns it in to no avail. Your viewers' internet connections are overloaded and faltering.

Silence roars sometimes, doesn't it?

As someone who publishes work no one reads and has held worship services in empty sanctuaries, hear me:

Do your work because it matters.
Putting good into the world matters.
You always have an audience of One, plus all the great cloud of witnesses.
You are loved and appreciated.
And doing the work will keep you sane if you let it.

Thanks to everyone who is keeping the faith for all the rest of us.